T. +39 02.7006121 | segreteria@unidi.it




Via delle Tezze, 20/22
36070 –
 Trissino –

Gentilin Air Compressors came to existence 40 years ago in Trissino (Vicenza – Italy) in what was then, as it is today, one of the most renowned districts of mechatronics in Europe and the world. In a few years the company becomes one of the reference points for the production, development and distribution of products for compressed air. Brothers Giampaolo and Giuseppe Gentilin started their activity in 1980 in the garage of their home. The distribution takes place first in Italy and then in Mediterranean Europe where the Gentilin brothers learn the peculiarities and needs of the vast compressed air sector. Further diversifying the product line offered in 2005, they launch the world’s first range of compressors conceptually developed to operate without lubricating oil. This fundamental step becomes an important launch pad for the company in international markets.

The mission of the Gentilin brothers has an important next chapter. The evolution of the company in recent years bears the names of Alessandra, Giorgio and Riccardo Gentilin, who today form the executive team in charge of the company’s strategy and operations.

The dynamism and energy of the second generation, combined with the constant focus on innovation and a new managerial footprint, have allowed the company to consolidate its presence throughout. Moreover, they resulted in embracing new markets and channels of distribution. The outcome: a unique, uncompromising line of products and services designed specifically for the professional.